Get to know me
Hi! I'm Michelle, 33 years old and I live in Den Bosch, The Netherlands, together with my 12 cats.
When I bought my first home, I started looking for my first pet ever. I liked the idea of having a buddy to live with. Soon I found out that a cat suited my life the best way. After seeing photos of British Shorthairs, my heart skipped a beat.. I wanted one!
And so Louis came into my life. Louis was so sweet when I was at home.. but when I wasn't, he ruined my home. He was just bored being alone.. That's why Jones joined us too.
Louis and Jones became best buds, they played a lot together and also Louis never ruined anything again.
Not long after finding Jones, I also found Mack.. and then my pet family seemed complete.
.. I thought..
My love for this breed grew bigger.
I started learning about cat behaviour, this specific breed of British Shorthair, I got to know other breeders and I visited some catshows a few times.
My interest got bigger and grew out to a hobby. At that point I also moved from my small appartment to a complete house.. so more space. It was therefore a logical step for me to delve into breeding / having my own cattery.
In the past few years I also learned about genetics, color inheritance, the breed standard.. And eventually Mimi crossed my path. She was my first queen and with her my cattery started.
I especially fell for the bicolors, torties and tricolors.
Hence the name Cattery Tutti Colori... which means 'all kinds of colors'!
You can find the following colors in my cattery:
Solid (1 color, plain):
Lilac, Chocolate, Blue, Black, Fawn, Cinnamon, Cream and Red
Bicolor (with white):
Lilac white, Chocolate white, Blue white, Black white, Fawn white, Cinnamon white, Cream white and Red White
Torties (solid color with cream/red mixed in):
Lilac tortie, chocolate tortie, blue tortie, black tortie, fawn tortie and cinnamon tortie
Tricolors (tortie with white, also known as 3-colors):
Lilac tortie white, chocolate tortie white, blue tortie white, black tortie white, fawn tortie white and cinnamon tortie whitr
(torties and tricolors are always females, so a male tortie or tricolor does not exist)
In 2019, my cattery was officially registered at Mundikat, a big Dutch cat club society that is connected to FiFe (Féderation Internationale Féline)
Fun fact: You can follow my cats on Instagram! Find us at 'coloricats' 😸 Almost 100.000 people worldwide follow our daily updates there already!